All Publications

Showing 91 - 100 of 422

Discrimination by Microcredit Officers: Theory and Evidence on Disability in Uganda

Discussing mechanisms for mitigating microcredit discrimination

Subjectivity in Credit Allocation to Microentrepreneurs: Evidence From Brazil

Are loan officers biased in granting loans?

The Elasticity of Demand for Microcredit

Designing appropriate MFI financial products and policy

Does Microfinance Cause or Reduce Suicides? Policy Recommendations for Reducing Borrower Stress

Exploring impact of microfinance on suicides

Does Microfinance Help the Ultrapoor Cope with Seasonal Shocks? Evidence from Seasonal Famine (Monga) in Bangladesh

Analyzing the role of microfinance in coping with seasonal shocks

Improving Credit Life Microinsurance

Designing credit life products that provide value to clients

Microloans, Insecticide-Treated Bednets and Malaria: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Orissa (India)

Using microloans to finance malaria prevention

Credit to Women Entrepreneurs: The Curse of the Trustworthier Sex

Why do women entrepreneurs get smaller loans despite being more trustworthy?

Do Microloan Officers Want to Lend to the Less Advantaged? Evidence from a Choice Experiment

Determining the type of clients preferred for microloan allocation