All Publications

Showing 61 - 70 of 635
Guide / Toolkit

Digital Finance Campaign Replication Guide

This Replication Guide shares an overview of a proven, evidence-based solution to a specific development challenge, and then provides steps on how to replicate it with a goal to increase the digital financial capabilities and decision-making skills of women.


Digital Financial Literacy via E-commerce: Implications for Bangladesh, Especially for Women in Business

This paper explores and evaluates the best ways to reach the less digitally and financially literate segments of the community in Bangladesh, especially women, to ensure that ultimately no one is left behind.

Guide / Toolkit

Implementation Guide for the G20 High-Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion

A guide and self-assessment tool for policymakers in various stages of digital development.

Slide Deck

Making Digital Platforms Work for Women in Rural Agricultural Livelihoods

The primary objectives of this work were to understand how platform-specific responses can unlock social and economic value, identify best practices and provide guidance to key stakeholders to improve platform services for rural women.


Financial Inclusion of Refugees in Jordan

This report looks back at what has been achieved in the financial inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers in Jordan since 2015, when the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) first launched its initiative to enhance national financial inclusion.

Slide Deck

Mobile Money Agents: Sustainability in the Digital Era - Findings From Mozambique

This report looks at the pressing challenges affecting Mozambican mobile money agents to inform the players in the ecosystem and create sustainable strategies to improve agent networks.


What's In Store for Embedded Finance?

This podcast episode takes a look at what lies ahead for embedded finance, what forms it will take, what the biggest opportunities and risks are in embedded finance and more.


Digital Wages for Decent Work in Peru- A Rapid Assessment

This rapid assessment, analyzing the potential for responsible digital wages, focuses on two key sectors and geographical areas in Peru. 

Slide Deck

Scaling up Access to Finance in Kigoma, Tanzania

This study shares lessons learned in building financial and digital capability while introducing agricultural technology interventions to savings groups through the UN Kigoma Joint Program.


Bridging the Divide: Skills for Digital Financial Equity and Inclusion

This report explores the challenges and opportunities to achieve equitable and inclusive participation in the digital economy, particularly to create or enhance livelihood opportunities.