All Publications

Showing 561 - 570 of 635

E/M-Banking Booklet: Volume IV

Exploring various aspects of electronic banking

IFC Mobile Money Study 2011 – Summary Report

Examining the adoption and development of mobile money
Case Study

Mobile Money: The Economics of M-PESA

Facilitating financial transactions through mobile phones

Risk Sharing and Transactions Costs: Evidence from Kenya's Mobile Money Revolution

Examining the impact of mobile money on risk sharing in Kenya

Speculation on the Future of Financial Services for the Poor in India

Providing financial services to the poor through banking correspondence model

Banking the Poor through Everyday Stores

Leveraging technology to deliver basic financial services to the poor

Harnessing M-Banking Potential by Banks in Rural India: Learning From International Experiences

Using mobile banks to extend financial access

The Innovative Use of Mobile Applications in East Africa

Empowering communities through mobile phone applications

Using Mobile Money, Mobile Banking to Enhance Agriculture in Africa

Using mobile money for agricultural development
Case Study

Expanding Customers' Financial Options Through Mobile Payment Systems: The Case of Kenya

Exploring the potential of mobile payment systems