All Publications

Showing 541 - 550 of 635

Marketing Lessons for the E/M-Banking Sector from India's Corporate Giants

Deriving lessons for successful marketing of electronic or mobile banking products
Case Study

Same Ends, Different Means: The Role of Social Networks in Shaping M-PESA Use

Examining embeddedness of M-PESA in social networks

Top Marketing Challenges For E/M-Banking

Examining marketing challenges faced by mobile banking service providers

Individual or Institutional BCs: The Banker's Perspective

How do banks choose between individual and institutional business correspondents?

Marketing E/M-Banking More Deliberately and Strategically

Moving towards a customer-centric marketing approach

Mobile Money – Questions That Your Clients Will Ask You

Highlighting customer concerns about mobile banking

Savings as Forward Payments: Innovations on Mobile Money Platforms

Presenting a framework for managing cashflows and savings from a single account

Branchless Banking Update: Should We Bank on Phones or The Post?

Examining the role of the post office in financial inclusion

NextGen Mobile Wallets: The Slim Billfolds May Prove More Lucrative

Examining issues regarding mobile wallets

The Business Case for Branchless Banking – What's Missing?

Making branchless banking worthwhile for stakeholders