All Publications

Showing 121 - 130 of 635

Within Reach: How Digital Wages That Work for Women Can Support Bangladesh’s Economic Future

This report shares HERproject’s experience of supporting 70 garment factories in Bangladesh, with a combined workforce of around 170,000, majority women, to digitize their wages.


The Mobile Money Prevalence Index (MMPI): A Country-Level Indicator for Assessing the Adoption, Activity and Accessibility of Mobile Money

This paper presents MMPI, a composite index that considers mobile money adoption, activity and accessibility at country level in order to facilitate comparisons between markets.


The Opportunity for Digital and E-commerce Payments in the Pacific Region

This paper explores challenges and opportunities for digital and e-commerce payments in the Pacific Region. Findings from this study are utilized to plan and implement activities that help in enabling inclusive digital economies in the Pacific.

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Using NLP on Social Media to Assess Consumer Risks With Digital Lending Apps in India

This research presents insights on emerging customer risks from digital consumer loans in India, analyzing customer complaints and feedback on Twitter and reviews of digital lending apps on Google Play,


Central Bank Digital Currencies: A Potential Response to the Financial Inclusion Challenges of the Pacific

This policy brief considers whether central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) can promote the accessibility of financial services across the Pacific islands and the design choices involved in their development.


Improving Humanitarian Payments Through Digital Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities

This report offers research-based analysis and practical advice for humanitarian agencies on the advantages and areas for growth of five key financial technologies in digital payments: mobile money, artificial intelligence, distributed ledger technology (i.e. blockchain), super platforms and QR codes.


Making the Most out of Digital Banking Platforms: 7 Tips for a Future-Proof Digital Strategy

This paper argues that a clear digital banking platform strategy is essential for banks to succeed, and those who will are the ones with a platform that can give them the flexibility to respond rapidly to market changes.


State of Digital Payments in the Philippines - Highlights Report (2021 edition)


The Power of Jan Dhan: Making Finance Work for Women in India

This report highlights the design of Women's World Banking's unique Jan Dhan Plus solution and learnings from a subsequent pilot study that helped nurture regular savings behavior among low-income women in the country.


Towards Responsible Digitization of Merchants in Rural India for COVID-19 Recovery

These 10 recommendations aim to unlock the impact of fintech in merchant digitization, particular for women, and  to further India’s progress on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.