All Publications

Showing 91 - 100 of 355

Microfinance Investment Vehicles in Sub-Saharan Africa: Constraints and Potentials

Examining the drivers of microfinance investment decisions in Africa

Co-creation for Impact Investment in Microfinance

Can venture capital firms create a multipronged attack on poverty while maintaining a profit motive?

New SME Financial Access Initiatives: Private Foundations' Path to Donor Partnerships

Identifying opportunities for collaborations between private foundations and donors

Investment in Microfinance Equity: Risk, Return, and Diversification Benefits

Assessing the impact of microfinance equity on globally-diversified portfolios

Taking Stock of Microfinance: Perception Survey Among Wealth Holders and Their Advisers in the US, Europe and Asia

Understanding perception of microfinance among its key stakeholders

Benchmarking Equity Investment in Microfinance: The Vintage 2007 Results

Measuring changes in shareholder value of MFIs

Investing in Microfinance and Basel III

Investigating the rationale behind investment in microfinance

Microfinance Wholesale Funds: The Case of China (Chinese version)

Could a Chinese microfinance wholesale fund contribute to the further development of the sector?

Microfinance Wholesale Funds: The Case of China (English Version)

Could a Chinese microfinance wholesale fund contribute to the further development of the sector?

Report on the Performance of LuxFLAG-Labelled MIVs

Analyzing trends of microfinance investment vehicles