All Publications

Showing 311 - 320 of 355

Business Development Services for Small Enterprises: Guiding Principles for Donor Intervention

What are the guiding principles for donor intervention on the development of Small Enterprises?

Developing Deposit Services for the Poor: Preliminary Guidance for Donors

Should you become involved in savings mobilisation?

Assessing the Need for Microenterprises in Mexico to Borrow Start-Up Capital

Factors that determine demand for borrowed seed capital among microenterprises

Coalition: A Proposal for Financing SMEs

Can technology be used to overcome the lack of trust in funding small enterprises?

E-Finance in Emerging Markets: Is Leapfrogging Possible?

How to realize the gains of e-finance and create opportunities for underdeveloped financial systems?

Finance and E-finance for SMEs as a Means to Enhance Their Operations and Competitiveness

How can e-finance benefit small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries?

In-Country Donor Coordination

Can coordination avoid duplication and poor practice?
Case Study

Innovative Approaches to Delivering Microfinance Services: The Managed ASCA Model in Kenya

Can the Accumulating Savings and Credit Associations model undermine donor interventions' positives?

MicroInsurance Centre Policy Statement: MFIs and Microinsurance

Addressing donor and institutional issues in microinsurance

Microlending: How ACCION USA Partners With Commercial Banks

What are the advantages of ACCION USA partnerships with commercial banks?