All Publications

Showing 181 - 190 of 355

Program Review: CGAP'S Pro-Poor Innovation Challenge 2000-2005

Innovative approaches to offer sustainable financial services to marginalized clients

Accessing Loans and Grants from Bilateral and Multilateral Agencies for Microfinance Institutions

This paper examines the current status and need of foreign investment in the microfinance sector

Australian Aid: Approaches to Microfinance and Enterprise Development

AusAid's approach to building a stronger worldwide microfinance industry

Better Aid: Rethinking the Way We Work

Summary report of CGAP's virtual conference "Better Aid: Rethinking the Way We Work"

Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review (CLEAR): Sri Lanka

Analysis of Sri Lanka's microfinance sector and recommendations for donor action

How Should Microfinance Institutions Best Fund Themselves?

From donor funding to deposits – Examining the change in the funding of microfinance institutions

Managing the Floodgates - Making the Most of International Flows of Microfinance Funding

This note examines the state of funding for microfinance in terms of quantity, flow and quality.

Microfinance Investment Vehicle: An Emerging Asset class (MFInsights)

MicroRate's evaluation finds MIVs a rapidly evolving industry with overenthusiasm for microfinance

Microfinance Loan Obligations - Structured Finance for Microfinance Investments

Do microloans have the potential to become a new asset class?

Reality Check: Preparing MFIs for Commercial Capital – Are We Ready?

How can microfinance institutions make the transformation to commercial capital successfully?