All Publications

Showing 131 - 140 of 355

Smartaid for Microfinance Index 2009: International Fund For Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Delivering quality financial services to rural areas

Smartaid for Microfinance Index 2009: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

How does SDC fit into the funding landscape?

Small Foundations: How to Invest in Microfinance

Helping small foundations visualize their goals

Securitization in Microfinance: Creating Saving and Investment Instruments for the Poor

Integrating microfinance into the formal financial markets

Investing in Microfinance: Making Money, Making a Difference

Promoting investments in microfinance

Microfinance: An Attractive Dual Return Investment Opportunity

Assessing benefits of socially responsible investments

Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Donors Supporting Microinsurance

Overview of current approaches for supporting microinsurance with guidance for donors

Mining Remittance Data: Practical Considerations on Survey Design and Administration

Impact of remittances survey methods on development policy making

Reaching the Hard to Reach: Comparative Study of Member-Owned Financial Institutions in Remote Rural Areas

What are the key outreach drivers of member-owned financial institutions?
Case Study

Capital Structure: Getting It Right to Increase Sustainability

Strategies for MFIs to achieve scale-up as well as sustainability