All Publications

Showing 81 - 90 of 236

Emerging Microfinance Solutions for Response and Recovery in the Case of Natural Hazards

Considering innovative solutions to build an efficient recovery process

Post-Earthquake Recovery in Haiti: The Challenges Ahead

Discussing challenges facing Haiti’s long-term recovery
Case Study

Can Workfare Serve as a Substitute for Weather Insurance? The Case of NREGA in Andhra Pradesh

Helping the rural poor cope better with weather risks

Beyond Emergency Responses: Ensuring the Legacy of Market-Based Microfinance Expansion

Developing sustainable and responsive financial services

Transforming Risk-averse Banks into Microfinance Champions in a Post-disaster and Post-conflict Environment

Highlighting potential of microfinance in emergencies

A Demand-driven Microfinance Service: Rebuilding Afghan Homes and Lives

Meeting the demand for housing in Afghanistan
Case Study

Cost-effective Household Surveys: Key Lessons for Implementing a Household Livelihood Survey on a Budget

Learning from efficient and effective implementation of a household livelihood survey
Case Study

Implementing a Household Livelihood Survey in a Post-disaster Environment: ShoreBank International Ltd, NRSP, and the AMPER Program in Pakistan

Insights from a successful survey implementation effort in earthquake-affected Pakistan

Livelihood Restoration through Microfinance

Rebuilding communities affected by tsunami through funding for microfinance

Recovery of the Financial Sector and Building Financial Inclusiveness

Building an inclusive financial system in Zimbabwe