All Publications

Showing 151 - 160 of 236

Honduras: Recovering from Hurricane Mitch

Strengthening the horticulture sector in post-hurricane Honduras
Case Study

Bolivia During the Global Crisis 1998-2004: Towards a Macroeconomics of Microfinance

Understanding the macroeconomic significance of microfinance

Impact of Microcredit on Clients in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The impacts of microcredit on entrepreneurs, their households, and their microenterprises

Recovery from the Tsunami Disaster: Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development through Microfinance

Identifying "opportunities for impact" in Tsunami recovery projects

Beyond Economic Benefits: The Contribution to Microfinance to Post-conflict Recovery in Asia and the Pacific

Can microfinance promote social mobilization, empowerment, stabilization and peace building?

Designing a Microfinance Development Strategy as Part of Economic Recovery & Employment Promotion in Post-Tsunami Aceh

Repairing the damage in Indonesia - a role for microfinance

Final Report of the Workshop on Microfinance Promotion in Post-Tsunami Period

Proceedings from the"Microfinance Promotion in Post-Tsunami Period”" Workshop, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Microfinance in the Wake of a Tsunami: Sri Lanka

Looking at REVIVE, a project to help the tsunami-affected Sri Lanka

Microfinance, Youth and Conflict: Emerging Lessons and Issues

What are the special microfinance needs of the youth in conflict situations?