All Publications

Showing 131 - 140 of 236

Cash Grants and Microfinance in Livelihood Recovery: Experiences from Tsunami-Affected Areas of Sri Lanka

Recommending best practices for microenterprise recovery programs

Robust Microfinance Sectors Post-conflict: West Africa

Lessons learned in developing microfinance in conflict-affected regions

Disaster Insurance for the Poor? A Review of Microinsurance for Natural Disaster Risks in Developing Countries (Draft)

An exploration of the disaster risk management potential of microinsurance

Grants and Loans in Livelihood Restoration Following a Natural Disaster

Providing grant-and-loan products to people affected by disasters

Market Development in Crisis-Affected Environments: Emerging Lessons for Achieving Pro-Poor Economic Reconstruction

Case studies on market development projects in conflict and crisis-affected environments

Microcredit in Post-Conflict, Conflict, Natural Disaster, and Other Difficult Settings

Expressing the need for MFIs to formulate policies and strategies for coping in adverse environments
Case Study

Microfinance, Youth & Conflict: Central Uganda Case Study

What are the challenges and opportunities in providing microfinance services to the youth?
Case Study

Microfinance, Youth & Conflict: West Bank Study

Overview of microfinance in the West Bank

Microleasing in Livelihood Restoration Following a Natural Disaster

Helping the poor replace lost productive assets through microleasing
Case Study

Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Microfinance: Best Practices in Light of Fonkoze's Experience in Haiti

Lessons learned from Haiti's largest MFI