All Publications

Showing 111 - 120 of 236

Field Manual - Supporting Microfinance Through Grants in Post-Crisis Settings

Supporting MFIs in countries recovering from conflict or natural disaster

Creating Insurance Markets for Natural Disaster Risk in Lower Income Countries: The Potential Role for Securitization

Prepared for presentation at the 101st EAAE Seminar Management of Climate Risks in Agriculture

Conflict-Affected States

Rebuilding financial services provision in conflict-affected states

Credit Unions Bring Hope Amid Conflict: Afghanistan

Rebuilding economies through credit unions

From Post-Tsunami Emergency Assistance to Livelihood Recovery in South India

Facilitating post-disaster economic rehabilitation through microfinance

Capacity Building for Microfinance in Post-Tsunami Reconstruction

Maintaining effectiveness of MFIs in times of disaster

Fall and Recovery. Disruption and Catching Up Effects after Tsunami on a Sample of MFI Borrowers

How effective is microfinance as a recovery tool after a natural disaster?

Microfinance in Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Situations: Turning Victims into Shareholders

Explores the possible role of MFIs and member-owned institutions in post-disaster reconstruction