All Publications

Showing 241 - 250 of 263
Guide / Toolkit

Loan Officer Manual: Banco Solidario

Training loan officers to avoid client over-indebtedness

Orality and Microsavings

Addressing challenges in dealing with illiterate clients

How do Microfinance Clients Understand their Loans?

Clients'’ understanding of loan terms and its implications for regulation

Consumer Protection at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP): Striking the Right Balance between Access, Protection and Innovation

Presentation at Global Seminar on Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy, September 3, 2008

Is there a Link between Quality of Employment and Indebtedness? The Case of Urban Low-income Households in Ecuador

Exploring risks associated with growing informalization of employment

In Microfinance, Clients Must Come First

What are the ultimate goals of MFIs and how can they achieve them?

Assessing Indebtedness: Results from Pilot Survey among Steelworkers in Sao Paulo

Determining characteristics and implications of over-indebtedness
Guide / Toolkit

How to Talk to a Bank

Helping Serbian consumers communicate with bankers

Consumer Protection Principles in Practice: A Framework for Developing and Implementing a Pro-Client Approach to Microfinance

Development and implementation of pro-client principles at SEEP