All Publications

Showing 61 - 70 of 86

Results from SKS Client Monitoring System: September 2008 through June 2009

Creating pathways out of extreme poverty for the ultra poor

Targeting the Ultra Poor

Examining the promises and risks of ultra poor programs

The Graduation Project: Sustainable Livelihoods Initiative for the Poorest

Linking safety nets and livelihood training to financial services

How Effective is a Big Push to the Small? Evidence from a Quasi-random Experiment

Helping the extreme poor access microfinance

Mid-term (12 month) Trickle Up India TUP Process Evaluation: CGAP-Ford Foundation Graduation Pilot

Presenting a new approach to poverty alleviation

SKS Ultra Poor Pilot Mid-term Evaluation: Summary Findings

Evaluating SKS's Ultra Poor model project in Andhra Pradesh

Mid-Term (12 Month) SKS Ultra Poor Process Evaluation

SKS's Ultra Poor model implemented in Andhra Pradesh

Resource Booklet CFPR-II Evaluation

Presenting an evaluation framework to measure impact of a poverty reduction program in Bangladesh

Who are the Ultra Poor? Descriptive Statistics from Baseline Survey of SKS-UPP

Mapping socio-economic and demographic characteristics of clients

Crafting a Graduation Pathway for the Ultra Poor: Lessons and Evidence from a BRAC Programme

BRAC's approach to create a graduation pathway for the ultra poor