All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 86

Final Results from Trickle Up Client Monitoring System: Program Sustainability

Analyzing client monitoring system data

Targeting the Poorest: A Solutions for the Poorest Use Case

Facilitating comparisons across projects and geographies

Reaching the Poorest: Lessons from the Graduation Model

Lessons from ten pilot projects in eight countries

Ultra Poor Graduation Pilots: Spanning the Gap Between Charity and Microfinance

Paper presented at the 2011 Global Microcredit Summit, November 14-17, 2011, Valladolid, Spain

‘'And Who Listens to the Poor?' Shocks, Stresses and Safety Nets in India and Pakistan

Assessing the impact of the Targeting the Ultra Poor program in India and Pakistan

Overcoming Extreme Poverty in India: Lessons Learned from SKS

Mainstreaming development interventions for the most marginalized

Addressing Extreme Poverty in a Sustainable Manner: Evidence from CFPR Programme

Are the livelihood impacts of CFPR sustainable?

Results from Trickle Up Client Monitoring System: January through December 2009

Uplifting extremely poor households to a higher socioeconomic level
Case Study

Chemin Levi Miyo: Final Evaluation

An evaluation of this pilot project over a 24-month period beginning June 2007