All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 228

COVID-19 and Women-Led MSMEs in Sub-Saharan Africa

This study aims to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women-led MSMEs in 13 African countries hoping to contribute to further strengthening of outcomes for those MSMEs.


Evidence Review of Women's Groups and COVID-19: Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Implications for Savings Groups in Africa

This brief presents emerging evidence from studies in diverse African contexts on how COVID-19 has affected savings groups and how these groups have helped mitigate the pandemic’s negative consequences in sub-Saharan Africa.


From Cash to Digital Wage Payments in the Philippines

This report discusses why it is imperative to capitalize on this momentum in the wake of COVID-19 to ensure wider adoption and usage of digital payments, particularly among low-income women.


Impact of COVID-19 on FinTechs: Bangladesh

This report presents the impact of the pandemic on the operations, revenue, and coping strategies of fintechs in Bangladesh.

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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): Senegal Country Report

This study primarily focuses on micro and small enterprises in Senegal and their coping strategies during the pandemic. It provides recommendations for policymakers and financial service providers to support them.

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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Beneficiaries and Program Implementation

This report explores the impact of COVID-19 on the beneficiaries and operational implementation of Program Keluarga Harapan during the pandemic.


Reaching Financial Equality for Women

This 10-point action plan for governments and businesses shares practical steps to help end the continued economic exclusion of women through digital financial inclusion.


Regulatory Flexibility During the Pandemic: Emerging Lessons

This policy brief examines the types of regulatory flexibility adopted in response to the pandemic and provides early evidence on the impact of these measures.


What's Next for Social Protection in Light of COVID-19: Country Responses

This publication focuses on the urgency and importance of providing comprehensive and adequate social protection to all—especially in times of crisis.


Best Practices in Credit Risk Management in Times of Crisis

Good practices by MFIs focusing on containing credit risk and taking care of their financial sustainability