All Publications

Showing 1581 - 1590 of 9056

The Paradox of Gender-Neutral Banking

Making the case for a gender-intelligent business model
Case Study

Water and Sanitation Microfinance Operations in India: An Assessment of Challenges and Determinants of Success

Lessons learned and key insights from's WaterCredit program in India

2016 Microfinance Investment Vehicles Survey: Market Data & Peer Group Analysis

Comprehensive overview of market trends in microfinance offshore investments
Case Study

Can E-transfers Promote Financial Inclusion in Emergencies: A Case Study from Bangladesh

What are the critical barriers to uptake and usage of mobile money among cash transfer recipients?
Case Study

Can E-transfers Promote Financial Inclusion in Emergencies: A Case Study from Zimbabwe

Identifying barriers and enabling factors which affect uptake and usage of mobile money

Credit on the Cusp: Strengthening Credit Markets for Upward Mobility in Africa

How credit can help support the emergence of a middle class

Digital Finance for All: Powering Inclusive Growth in Emerging Economies

Quantifying the potential economic and social impact of digital finance
Guide / Toolkit

Digital Financial Services and Risk Management Handbook

Comprehensive guide to the risks associated with implementation of digital financial services
Case Study

First Microfinance Institution Syria: Building Resilience Through a Client-Centric Model

Case study in disaster risk reduction and crisis management during a civil war
Case Study

Fostering Resilience in the Middle East: A People Centered Approach to Risk Reduction

Case studies from Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon on reducing disaster risk