All Publications

Showing 241 - 250 of 587

Results of the Staff Incentive Survey Carried Out Within the Central Europe and Central Asia Region

This paper suggests that staff incentive systems should be linked to organizational performance

Romania: Law Regarding Microfinancing Commercial Companies

How does the Romanian Parliament regulate the operation of microfinancing commercial companies?

2005 State of Microfinance Industry in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

This report assesses the performance of microfinance sector in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Fostering Small Business Growth: Micro Enterprise Development Initiative Final Report (Armenia)

Evaluating the impact of a USAID project aimed at creating new business in Armenia

The Informalisation of the BiH Economy and the Role of the Microfinance Model

For the Economic Policy Research Unit Seminar "“Balkan economies: Studies on Non-Standard Phenomena”

Microinsurance Pre-Feasibility Study - Romania

A growing middle class and accession to EU membership sets up the microinsurance market in Romania

Azerbaijan Benchmarking Report 2004

Analyzing performance of microfinance in Azerbaijan

Dimensions of Urban Poverty in the Europe and Central Asia Region

Are poverty indicators in secondary cities worse than those in the capitals?