All Publications

Showing 621 - 630 of 1779

Risks to Microfinance in Pakistan: Findings from a Risk Assessment Survey

What are the risks faced by Pakistan’s microfinance sector?
Guide / Toolkit

Smart Lending: Client Protection in the Grameen-style Group Lending Process (India)

Incorporating client protection practices into group lending by MFIs in India

Speculation on the Future of Financial Services for the Poor in India

Providing financial services to the poor through banking correspondence model

Strategic Framework for Sustainable Microfinance in Pakistan

Ensuring sustainable growth of the microfinance sector

Technical, Economic and Allocative Efficiency of Microfinance Borrowers and Non-borrowers: Evidence from Peasant Farming in Bangladesh

Assessing the impact of microfinance on the efficiency of farmers

The Andhra Pradesh Crisis: Clients' Perspective

Understanding credit risk associated with lending to the poor in India

The Social Meaning of Over-indebtedness and Creditworthiness in the Context of Poor Rural South India Households (Tamil Nadu)

Studying over-indebtedness in low income households in India