All Publications

Showing 351 - 360 of 465

Beyond Access: Shaping a Gender-Transformative Approach to Financial Inclusion

Challenging gender inequalities that impede women’s economic empowerment

A Comprehensive Framework for Gender Centrality in Financial Services

How can financial service providers serve women customers better?
Guide / Toolkit

Fintech Partnerships Checklist: Identifying and Strengthening the Right Digital Finance Partner

This fintech partnerships checklist can serve as a living checklist that reflects at least four persistent factors that increase the importance of certain issues donors should be cognizant of in digital finance.


Mobile Technologies and Digitized Data to Promote Access to Finance for Women in Agriculture

Taking stock and analyzing digital financial services targeted to female farmers

Gender and Digital Financial Inclusion: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know?

Overview of the current body of evidence on women’s access and usage of financial services

Bridging the Gender Gap: Promoting Women’s Financial Inclusion

Guidance on tackling challenges in achieving gender parity in financial inclusion

Migration, Remittances and Financial Inclusion: Challenges and Opportunities for Women’s Economic Empowerment

Concrete recommendations on gender-responsive policies and frameworks

Voice of the Client

This report presents the findings of the Voice of the Client pilot project, with the objective to strengthen the application of Client Protection Principles in the microfinance sector and ensure that financial services are tailored to meet client needs.


Social Norms Change for Women’s Financial Inclusion

Taking social norms into consideration when designing women’s financial inclusion initiatives

Gender Matters in Economic Empowerment Interventions: A Research Review

Analysis of evaluation evidence on women's financial services and training interventions