All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 465

State of the Practice: Savings Group Linkages 2024

Based on interviews with 46 practitioners across various sectors, this report delineates the contemporary landscape of linkages between informal savings groups and formal financial services.


Supply-Side Gender Disaggregated Data for Advancing Financial Inclusion

This paper explores how supply-side gender-disaggregated data has been collected and used, mainly by financial sector authorities but also by providers, and the challenges and opportunities associated with this work.


What Win-Win Lost: Rethinking Microfinance Subsidy in the Past and Designing for the Future

This working paper calls for reclaiming the power and value of subsidy to accomplish policy goals in order for the future of social investment in microfinance to be more effective.

Guide / Toolkit

Impact Assessment of Financial Service Providers: Market Conduct Risk-Based Supervision Guideline Note

This guideline note is meant to assist policymakers in developing impact assessment frameworks, under the MC-RBS umbrella and the overarching goals of financial consumer protection policy.


Make Recourse Clear, Quick and Responsive

This resource is meant for Better Than Cash Alliance members and partners aiming to fortify recourse mechanisms through policy evolution.


What Women Say About Microfinance

This report offers an in-depth look at the impact of microfinance and financial services on women's financial resilience, access to finance, and on their businesses and households. 


Climate-Related Development Finance to Agrifood Systems

This publication addresses the persistent knowledge gap related to climate finance to agrifood systems, providing data and information to support countries making informed decisions towards agrifood systems transformation.


Applying Privacy by Design to Inclusive Finance Product Design

This brief is intended for inclusive finance practitioners, discussing three key challenges for implementation of CFI's Privacy as Product playbook and attempts addressing these challenges.


Climate Adaptation, Resilience, and Financial Inclusion: A New Agenda

In this Focus Note, CGAP calls for financial inclusion to be a cornerstone of action on climate adaptation, and proposes a new agenda for collaboration between financial inclusion and climate adaptation practitioners.


Digital Payments and the COVID-19 Shock: The Role of Preexisting Conditions in Banking, Infrastructure, Human Capabilities, and Digital Regulation

This paper investigates how the use of digital payments and financial services expanded during and after COVID-19 and looks into the driving factors for that expansion.