All Publications

Showing 271 - 280 of 305

Fact Sheet 7: Microlending in an Islamic Environment

Understanding the microfinance needs in Palestine

Microfinance In Yemen

Has microfinance succeeded in Yemen?

Women and Men in Rural Finance in the Syrian Arab Republic: State-Owned Banking vs. Self-Manged Microfinance

Is there common ground between ailing development banks and new microfinance initiatives?
Case Study

Women and Men in Rural Microfinance: The Case of Jordan

What contributes to economies of scale in microfinance institutions?

MicroStart Egypt Programme: Midterm Technical Review

How can MicroStart in Egypt improve its operations?
Guide / Toolkit

How to Focus on Breakthrough Organizations When Selecting MFIs

How to identify potentially high performing microfinance institutions?

Financial Services Associations: The Story so Far

Why have FSAs achieved only limited success?

Developing Rainfall-Based Index Insurance in Morocco

Could rainfall-based risks be mitigated in Morocco?