All Publications

Showing 1931 - 1940 of 2060

The Chars Livelihood Assistance Scoping Study

How to alleviate poverty in the chars?
Case Study

White Elephants in Rural Finance in South Asia

The case of dysfunctional agricultural development banks

Will More Credit Increase Interest Rates in Rural Nepal?

What determines interest rates in the rural credit markets of Nepal?

Reply to Jonathan Morduch's "Does Microfinance Really Help the Poor? New Evidence from Flagship Programs in Bangladesh"

Can Pitt and Khandker justify their methods of measuring program impact?

The Experience of Grameen Bank Housing Program, Bangladesh

Grameen Bank's origin, transformation, structure and progress

Building Sustainable Microfinance Institutions in India

Factors that make microfinance institutions sustainable

Flush With Loans: Micro Credit for Rural Sanitation

Can a low cost scheme for rural sanitation turning out to be path breaking?

Profile of the Uninsured in Jordan

Who are the uninsured, how many are they and where do they live?

Rural Electrification - A New Financial Product for Microfinance Institutions - Rural Electricity Loans

Is there an opportunity for microfinance institutions in rural electrification projects?