All Publications

Showing 1901 - 1910 of 2060

Assessing the Relative Poverty Level of MFI Clients, Case Studies

What are the prerequisites to a comprehensive assessment of an MFI?

Financial Co-operatives in Quebec, Canada: A Study of the Desjardins Movement

Examining the growth patterns of the Desjardins movement and lessons for the Indian movement

Microfinance and Risk Management: A Client Perspective

Does microfinance help clients manage risk? An introduction
Case Study

Grameen Telecom's Village Phone Programme in Rural Bangladesh: A Multi-Media Case Study

Grameen Telephone: Aiding rural development

Microfinance, Risk Management and Poverty

A full, comparative analysis of microfinance outreach and client coping strategies

The Demand for Financial Services by the Rural Poor

Examining the importance of food security in demand for financial services by the poor

Grameen Village Phone: Its Current Status and Future Prospects

Assessing market development outcomes due to the ICT services provided by Grameen Telecom

The Impact of Training on Women's Micro-Enterprise Development

Analyzing the impact of training on women's microenterprise development

A Framework for Building a Sustainable Rural Finance System (RFS) for India

Is now the right time to re-engineer the rural financial system in India?

A TOFFE Risk Assessment Report from CreditWatch

Finding out the areas that the Welfare Society of Eastern India needs to improve upon