All Publications

Showing 7111 - 7120 of 7208

Using Credit Unions as Conduits for Microenterprise Lending: Latin-American Insights

Comparatively assessing the performance of various informal service providers

How Legal Restrictions on Collateral Limit Access to Credit in Bolivia

The need for a reform of collateral law

Moneylenders and Their Customers

Do moneylenders use violence and intimidation to extract repayments from the poor?

Determinants of Credit Rationing: A Study of Informal Lenders and Formal Credit Groups in Madagascar

Examining the advantages of community-based lending groups over distant formal bank agents

Financial Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comparative Study

How can financial systems be improved?

Credit Rating Services in Nepal: An Assessment Report

The need and the role of a credit rating agency in Nepal

Development of Rural Financial Markets in Sub-Sahara Africa

Past experiences and the future of economic growth

Indonesian Experience with Financial Sector Reform

What effects did the reforms have on the economy?

Directed Credit Programs for Agriculture and Industry: Arguments from Theory and Fact

Can provision of government credit be justified?