All Publications

Showing 6681 - 6690 of 7208

microFinance: A Pathway From Poverty

Is microfinance a panacea for poverty?

Moving Microenterprises beyond a Subsistence Plateau

Why adequate training for microenterpreneurs is so vital

Mutual Insurance Schemes and Social Protection

Policy formulation for improving institutional design of mutual insurance schemes

Non-profit Insurance Schemes for the Unorganised Sector in India

The need for and offer of non-profit insurance schemes in India

Philippines: General Banking Law of 2000

A look at the regulation of banks, quasi-banks and trust entities in the Philippines

Poverty Reduction and Rural Finance: From Unsustainable Programs to Sustainable Institutions with Growing Outreach to the Poor

Can poverty reduction in rural areas become a sustainable activity?

Principles and Practice: Myths of Regulation and Supervision

Examining short-comings of conventional approach to regulate MFIs and finding out their alternatives

Product Innovation for the Poor: The Role of Microfinance

Examining how MFIs can use product innovation to help poor clients smoothing income and consumption