All Publications

Showing 6601 - 6610 of 7208

Those Who Leave and Those Who Don't Join: Insights from East African Microfinance Institutions

Who are those that do not join microfinance institutions?

A Market-Oriented Strategy for Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises

What is the role of the state in making small and medium-scale enterprises market-oriented?

Banks and Micro-lending: Support, Cooperation and Learning

Can banks effectively team up with micro-lending organizations?

Commercialized Training Product Development: Lessons from the Trenches

Considering a non-traditional approach to training and development in small and medium enterprises

Field Assessment Report of the Nigerian Microfinance Industry

Measuring the potential of the Nigerian microfinance sector

Financial Services Associations in Uganda: A Mid-term Review

Can Uganda's financial services associations provide effective financial services to the rural poor?

Is LandBank EO138 Ready?

Examining how LandBank, Philippines can comply with the Executive Order 138

Predicting Creditworthiness with Publicly Observable Characteristics: Evidence from ASCRAs and RoSCAs in the Gambia

Is it possible to predict which households will gain access to informal finance?

The Impact of Access to Credit on the Saving Behavior of Microentrepreneurs: Evidence from 3 Latin American Countries

Why shifting savings into deposit accounts benefits microentrepreneurs and financial markets

Financial Intermediation, Variability and The Development Process

Imperfect credit markets lead to higher output volatility