All Publications

Showing 1351 - 1360 of 7208

Delivering Financial Education in Africa: Reach Global’s Lessons Learned on Supporting the Delivery of Financial Education Under the UNCDF-YouthStart Programme

Challenges faced in integrating financial and non-financial services for youth

How Do Innovative Banking Channels Reduce Costs in Downscaling?

Investigating research questions through a synthesis of qualitative and quantitative literature

How Do You Know “Resilience” When You See It? Characteristics of Self-Perceived Household Resilience Among Rural Households in Burkina Faso

Results of a series of interviews over seven months with 46 women

Loan Officers’ Voices: Perspectives and Lessons from the Foot Soldiers

Highlighting the human capital component that is essential for a microfinance provider

Mapping Pathways out of Poverty: The State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign Report, 2015

Presentation of six pathways to support families in their journey out of extreme poverty

Measuring the Impact of Microfinance: Looking to the Future

Review of the latest literature on impact and suggestions for future research

Of Mice and Unemployed: Rethinking Micro-enterprise and Small Business Policies in the EU

Exploring the complex relationship between firm size and job creation

Pathways out of Poverty: Findings from a Quasi-experimental Evaluation of Trickle Up's Graduation Program in India

Qualitative analysis of Trickle Up's poverty alleviation approach

Payment System Regulation for Improving Financial Inclusion

High-level recommendations on achieving a safe, efficient and inclusive national payments system

Regional Rural Banks and Financial Inclusion: Policy Imperatives

Understanding regional rural banks' mandate and their role in contributing to financial inclusion