All Publications

Showing 101 - 110 of 7208

Shaping the Future of Cross-Border Fast Payment Systems: Revolutionizing Transactions in South-East Asia

This paper examines the rise of fast payment systems in South-East Asia and the momentum towards expanded cross-border connectivity.


Supervising Inclusive Financial Sectors

This TC Note brings together principles and practices related to financial sector oversight that are relevant to financial inclusion, including proportionate regulation, risk-based supervision, and consumer empowerment.


The Financial Inclusion Compass 2023

The Financial I­nclusion Compass is an annual survey of financial inclusion stakeholders to better understand perspectives on current trends, future priority areas, challenges, opportunities and beyond. 


The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Young Women’s Well-Being

This working paper finds that in addition to improving financial skills and savings levels, financial inclusion initiatives may also improve health and livelihood outcomes for young women when combined with other interventions.


Universal Trusted Credentials (UTC): Transforming Access to Finance for MSMEs and Beyond

This report outlines the transformative potential of Universal Trusted Credentials (UTCs) and describes the UTC framework, potential use cases, coordination structures, recommended policies, and modes of engagement that stakeholders can engage in.


2023 Microfinance Index Report

Based on interviews with over 32,000 borrowers in 32 countries spanning Asia, Africa, and Latin America, this report explores the impact of microfinance on the lives of some of the world's most marginalized communities.


Assessing Digital and Financial Literacy in Solomon Islands: Survey on Knowledge, Skills and Access

To address the digital and financial literacy gap, UNCDF conducted the Digital and Financial Literacy Survey in Solomon Islands to assess the current state of digital and financial literacy within the country.


Demand and Supply Study Report on Climate and Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance in Samoa

This report examines the impact of disasters caused by environmental hazards on individuals and households across Samoa and explores financial gaps that could be filled through climate and disaster risk financing solutions.


Digital Financial Services for Garment Workers in Bangladesh

This research sheds light on digital financial capabilities, financial products availability and usage, and social welfare ecosystem in Bangladesh.


Fintech for Who? Demand for Digital Financial Services and Fintech in Tanzania

This paper explores the drivers of demand for digital financial services and fintech: perceived cost, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, and social norms.