All Publications

Showing 191 - 200 of 434

Health Care Utilization in Rural Senegal: The Facts before the Extension of Health Insurance to Farmers

Assessing the determinants of health care use in rural Senegal

Insurance & Technology to Better Serve Emerging Consumers: Learning to Improve Access & Service

Applying technology to expand microinsurance

The Effect of Microinsurance on Economic Activities: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment

Promoting economic activity by protecting farmers from risks

How to Sell Microinsurance via Smartphones: Experiences from a First Deployment in South Africa

Paper presented at "8th ACM SIGMOBILE Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM'10)"

Protecting the Poor through Community-Based Health Insurance

Identifying reasons for the success of community-based health insurance

Innovations and Barriers in Health Microinsurance

Examining innovative solutions to improve health microinsurance

Social Performance Indicators for Microinsurance: Workshop Report

Developing social performance indicators for microinsurance