All Publications

Showing 141 - 150 of 434

The Landscape of Microinsurance in Asia and Oceania 2013

Mapping the state of microinsurance in the regions of Asia and Oceania

Towards De-risking Disasters

Taking stock of microinsurance for disaster risk reduction in South and South East Asia

Value-added Services in Health Microinsurance

The scope of value added services in health microinsurance in India and other developing countries

Agricultural Decisions after Relaxing Credit and Risk Constraints

Identifying factors that contribute to investment decisions of smallholder farmers in Ghana

The Social Dilemma of Microinsurance: A Framed Field Experiment on Free-riding and Coordination in Microcredit Groups

Using group insurance to solve the problem of low microinsurance take up

Weather Index-Based Insurance in a Cash Crop Regulated Sector: Ex Ante Evaluation for Cotton Producers in Cameroon

Examining the ability of weather index-based insurance for consumption smoothing

Agent Banking and Insurance: Is There a Value Alignment?

Analyzing the potential for agent banking channels to offer insurance

Insurance Through Bank Agents: How Can It Be Done?

Outlining a strategy to increase bank agents'’ participation in microinsurance