All Publications

Showing 691 - 700 of 1139
Case Study

Banco Do Nordeste

Key success factors in a bank's microfinance program
Case Study

Banco Solidario, S.A. - Recovery Strategy 2000-2004

How did BancoSol resurrect itself?
Case Study

Bank of Africa and Mutual Guarantee Associations in Madgascar - Analysis and Recommendations

Assessing the performance of Bank of Africa's approach to rural finance
Case Study

Card Rural Bank

Reviewing the programs
Case Study

Case Studies in Donor Good Practices No.20: Experienced Consortium Deepens Bulgarian Financial System by Creating ProCredit Bank, a Commercial Bank for Microenterprises

A study of the factors that led to the success of ProCredit Bank, Bulgaria
Case Study

Case Study "Islamic Microfinance and Socially Responsible Investments"

What are the consequences of the similarities between Islamic banking and microfinance?
Case Study

Case study "The Involvement of Commercial Banks in Microfinance: The Egyptian Experience"

How can commercial banks in Egypt enter the microfinance scene?
Case Study

Case Study - Indonesia Midwives Loan Fund: Can a Revolving Loan Fund be used to Encourage Private Midwifery Practices?

Improving quality of health services by strengthening capacities of individual private practitioners
Case Study

Case Study on Philippines: Electronic Banking: Delivering Microfinance Services to the Poor in the Philippines

Can cost-effective, efficient electronic banking services increase micro finance services' reach?
Case Study

Case Study on Profitability of Microfinance in Commercial Banks: Credife

What are the factors affecting the success of a microfinance unit associated with a commercial bank?