All Publications

Showing 621 - 630 of 1139
Case Study

Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Microfinance: Best Practices in Light of Fonkoze's Experience in Haiti

Lessons learned from Haiti's largest MFI
Case Study

Reaching More Savers: Q&A with Management and Staff of ACSI in Ethiopia

Attracting customers through institutional improvements
Case Study

Reaching the Other 100 Million Poor in India: Case Studies in Urban Microfinance

This compilation of case studies discusses the challenges in urban microfinance
Case Study

Remittances in Crises: A Haiti Case Study

Analyzing contribution of remittances in disaster recovery
Case Study

Remittances: Strategic and Operational Considerations

Creating effective remittance mechanisms for the rural poor
Case Study

Satin Creditcare Network Limited: Unique in its Field

This case study presents innovative practices adopted by an MFI operating in the urban space
Case Study

Self-help Groups in Mayurakshi Gramin Bank: Documentation of Successful Experiences, Impact and Performance Analysis

Documenting success in microfinance innovation
Case Study

SMEs and Poverty Reduction: Findings from Four Case Studies

Exploring connections between small and medium enterprises and poverty reduction
Case Study

Spending, Saving and Borrowing: Perceptions and Experiences of Girls in Gujarat

This paper studies savings patterns, including barriers and control over savings in Gujarat, India