All Publications

Showing 871 - 880 of 1017
Case Study

Financial Relationships Between Community Based Organisations and the Formal Banking Sector - YCO's Perspective

How have youth charitable organization helped poor women access financial services?

Financial Status of Rural Poor: A Study in Udaipur District

Do the Poor Need Microfinance?

Identifying Business Opportunities for SHGs

Participatory Skill Resource and Market Mapping: Help Self-Help Groups identify economic enterprises

Imperfect Substitutes: The Local Political Economy of Informal Finance and Microfinance in Rural China and India

Understanding reasons for continued existence of informal finance

India Microfinance Investment Environment Profile

Assessing the investment risk in India's microfinance sector
Case Study

India's Self-Employed Women's Association: Empowerment through Mobilization of Poor Women on a Large Scale

What can be learnt from SEWA's experience in mobilizing and empowering poor self-employed women?

Legal Issues Pertaining to Non-Profit Organisations in India

How are non-profit organizations registered in India?

Limits of Micro Credit for Rural Development: A Cursory Look

Is microcredit sufficient for the development of rural enterprises?

Microfinance Policy and Regulatory Framework: Experience and Perspective of South Asian Region: Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and India

The International Microfinance Conference "MicroFinance in Pakistan: Innovating and Mainstreaming"

Microfinancing and Bank Sustainability

Does microfinance improve banking habits?