All Publications

Showing 81 - 90 of 384

How Does Contract Design Affect the Uptake of Microcredit Among the Rural poor? Experimental Evidence from the River Islands of Northern Bangladesh

Discussing how different microcredit contract designs affect borrowing among the ultra-poor
Guide / Toolkit

Oral Information Management Tools: Lighting the Path to Financial Inclusion

Designing products to increase access to financial services among illiterate people

Estimating the Long-Run Impact of Microcredit Programs on Household Income and Net Worth

Discussing the effect of microcredit on borrowers in Bangladesh
Case Study

Rural Micro Credit and Poverty Alleviation: The Case of the PKSF in Bangladesh

Discussing the efficiency of a poverty alleviation microcredit program in Bangladesh
Case Study

bKash Bangladesh: A Fast Start for Mobile Financial Services

Exploring factors that contributed to the early growth of bKash

Gender Role and Individual Modernity: An Exploratory Study in Microfinance and Gender Role Transformation

Discussing the impact of microfinance on individual modernity of women clients

Regulated Microfinance in Bangladesh: Prosper and Challenges

Assessing the scope of microfinance regulations in Bangladesh

Situating Microinsurance in Social Protection: Lessons from Six Countries

Enhancing social protection through microinsurance
Case Study

Impact Assessment of Credit Programme for the Tenant Farmers

Analyzing the relationship between interventions and outcomes of BRAC’s program for tenant farmers

Dynamic Effects of Microcredit in Bangladesh

Examining the dynamics of microcredit programs in Bangladesh