All Publications

Showing 191 - 200 of 384

Reflection in a Distant Mirror: Why the West Has Misperceived the Grameen Bank's Vision of Microcredit

Assessing the Grameen Bank model for economic development and poverty reduction

Microfinance in South Asia: Toward Financial Inclusion for the Poor

Analyzing the growth of microfinance in South Asia
Case Study

Five Cents a Day: Innovative Programs for Reaching the Destitute With Microcredit

Evaluates the socio-economic impact of Grameen Bank's poverty alleviation interventions
Case Study

Client Satisfaction In Microfinance Program

Satisfying clients – A study of microfinance institution’s experiences
Case Study

Targeting the Poorest in Microfinance: Poverty Outreach of BDP Ultra Poor Programme

Evaluating the effectiveness of client targeting by measuring relative poverty
Case Study

Is There a Difference in Poverty Outreach by Type of Microfinance Institution? The Case of Peru and Bangladesh

Do different types of microfinance institutions differ in their poverty outreach performance?
Case Study

United Nations Capital Development Fund - 2005 Results and Outlook for 2006

How does the United Nations Capital Development Fund plan to achieve its goals in 2006?

Harnessing Remittances for Economic Development of Bangladesh

Creating an enabling environment to boost flow of remittances

Poverty Scorecards for Bangladesh, Haiti, India, Mexico, Pakistan, and the Philippines

Summary of Grameen Foundation's work with poverty scorecards in six countries

Competition and Microcredit Interest Rates

How does competition affect interest rates for microfinance borrowers?