All Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 51

Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance in Albania

Discussing issues in microfinance regulation

Building a Viable Microfinance Sector in Afghanistan

Reviewing reforms initiated for viability of MFIs in Afghanistan

Prospects for Investment in South Asian Microfinance 2010

Analyzing South Asia’s microfinance market from investors’ perspective
Case Study

Reaching the Unbanked with Sharia-Compliant Financial Products

Meeting the demand for faith-based financial services

A Demand-driven Microfinance Service: Rebuilding Afghan Homes and Lives

Meeting the demand for housing in Afghanistan

Gender and Banking: Are Women Better Loan Officers?

Analyzing gender differences associated with loan officer performance

Prospects for Investment in South Asian Microfinance

Paper presented at Second Annual Convergences 2015 Forum on microfinance, April 30, 2009, Paris, France.