All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 170
Case Study

A Case Study of SFACL Salang Dhading

Discussing a community-based microfinance program in Nepal
Case Study

Implementing a Participatory Model of Micro Health Insurance among Rural Poor with Evidence from Nepal

Providing guidelines to set up sustainable community-based health insurance schemes

Remittances, Payments, and Money Transfers: Behaviors of South Asians and Indonesians

Understanding the consumer behavior in remittances and payments market

MIX Microfinance World: State of Social Performance in Nepal

Examining the social performance of MFIs in Nepal

2012 Nepal Snapshot

Presentation at CMF Nepal Microfinance Conference, 14 February 2013, Kathmandu, Nepal

Testing the Waters: YouthSave Pilot Results from Three Markets

Presenting results from a pilot study of youth savings accounts in four countries

Rural Finance in Laos: GIZ Experience in Remote Rural Areas

Insights from GIZ experiences with financial inclusion in remote rural areas of Laos

Product Pilot Report: Youth Savings Performance in Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal

Testing a pilot savings product on low-income youth in Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal

Youth-Related Policies

What are the implications of youth-related national policies on the economic development of youth?

Measuring Microfinance: Cognitive and Experimental Bias with New Evidence from Nepal

Identifying reasons for differences in microfinance impact claimed by practitioners and academics