All Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 60

Policy Framework on MSME Data Collection: A Guide for Gender Inclusive Finance

This Framework provides data collection guidance for MSME and gender inclusive finance, defines an extended set of MSME finance indicators, and shares best practices to advance financial inclusion for MSMEs.

Case Study

Climate Risk Insurance for the Agriculture Sector in Armenia

This case study details specific conditions that make Armenia’s agricultural sector vulnerable to climate change, and steps that the Central Bank of Armenia has taken to cope with the effects of a warming climate.


Financial Literacy for Migrants - Mapping and Needs Assessment

Assessing financial literacy needs of key target groups involved in migration processes

The Study of the Financial Capability of Population in Armenia 2019

Measuring the progress made in assessing financial capabilities of Armenia’s population
Case Study

Reserve Bank of Fiji’s Experience With Financial Inclusion and Climate Change

Will fostering financial inclusion ease the transition to a low-carbon economy?

The Road to Launching "Bundled Microinsurance" in Fiji: Key Lessons

Fiji’s journey toward creating an industry-backed insurance project

National Financial Inclusion Strategic Plan 2016–2020

Roadmap for moving Fijians from informal to formal financial services

The Regional Financial Inclusion Landscape of Youth Bank Accounts: Selected Country Cases from Central and Eastern Europe

Analyzing available savings products and financial education programs for youth

Microfinance in Armenia: Sector Characteristics and Adaptation Strategies

Discussing the features of the microfinance sector in Armenia