All Publications

Showing 51 - 57 of 57

Legal Frameworks and Performance Standards for Microfinance: A Desk Study

Insights from 8 countries in designing legal/regulatory framework for microfinance

Saving in Sub-Saharan Africa

Why have household savings declined in Sub-Saharan Africa?

The Emerging Movement of Community Based Health Insurance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences and Lessons Learned

Can public-private partnerships contribute to improved community based health insurance schemes?

Developments of Microfinance in West Africa and Trends for the Decade

Does Africa remain the forgotten continent?

The Performance of Village Intermediaries in Rural Credit Delivery under Changing Penalty Regimes: Evidence from Senegal

Are village intermediaries efficient in allocating credit?

ROSCA and ASCRA: Beyond the Financial Landscape

How have ROSCAs and ASCRAs evolved in Africa?