All Publications

Showing 71 - 80 of 251
Case Study

Inclusive Finance for Low Cost Private Schools in Pakistan: Serving a New Client Segment with Sector-specific Strategies

Supporting access to education by designing financial products for schools

Responsible Finance Market Overview: Mozambique

Examining the status of responsible finance in Mozambique
Case Study

Scale: Thinking Big- Case Studies

Studying the drivers of scale in microinsurance

Bringing the "Forgotten Half" of Microfinance into Focus

Analyzing the recent trends and issues in deposit mobilization
Case Study

A Consumer-focused Account Promotion Strategy for Branchless Banking: The Case of Omni in Pakistan

Highlighting successful expansion strategies for branchless banking
Case Study

After Watan: The Contributions of a G2P Payments Program to Building a Branchless Banking Industry

How to expand branchless banking through G2P payments in Pakistan following a natural disaster

Are Pakistan’s Women Entrepreneurs Being Served by the Microfinance Sector?

Evaluating the impact and outreach of Pakistan’s microfinance sector on its women entrepreneurs

Identifying Good Social Performance Management Practices

Focusing on three of the Universal Standards for Social Performance Management

Remittances, Payments, and Money Transfers: Behaviors of South Asians and Indonesians

Understanding the consumer behavior in remittances and payments market

Towards De-risking Disasters

Taking stock of microinsurance for disaster risk reduction in South and South East Asia