All Publications

Showing 221 - 230 of 251

Pakistan : An Ordinance for Microfinance Institutions

Ordinance to regulate microfinance institutions in Pakistan

NGO/RSPS/Cooperative - Transformation Guidelines (Draft)

Transformation Pakistani NGOs, rural support programs and cooperatives into microfinance banks

Pakistan: Criteria and Conditions for Grant of Licence for Establishing Microfinance Banks/Institutions

Regulation and supervision of microfinance banks/microfinance institutions in Pakistan

Pakistan: Penalty Scale for Microfinance Banks / Institutions

Penalty for violating statutory requirements

Pakistan: Prudential Regulations for Microfinance Banks/Institutions

Regulatory framework for microfinance banks/institutions licensed by the State Bank of Pakistan

The Impact of Farm Credit in Pakistan

How can rural credit schemes best reach the poor?
Case Study

MAIN Seminar Theme No. 2: Resources for What Demands - Local Savings

Rural financial system in Mozambique: The past and the present

Pakistan: Khushhali Bank Ordinance, 2000

An ordinance for rendering microfinance services to the poor for poverty alleviation