All Publications

Showing 211 - 220 of 251

The Impact of Micro Finance on Poverty and Gender Equity: Approaches and Evidence from Pakistan

Parameters for examining the impact of microfinance on poverty alleviation and gender equity
Case Study

The Lessons in Development: The AKRSP Experience

Proceedings from the International Conference organised by AKRSP along with DFID and CIDA, 2003

Management Information Systems (MIS) for Microfinance

A look at the growing importance of information and communication technology in microfinance
Case Study

Microfinance in Post-Conflict Situations: A Case Study of Mozambique

Is it possible to establish sustainable microfinance services in post-conflict situations?

The Prevention of Debt Bondage with Microfinance-led Services

How can microfinance prevent bonded labor?

Women Entrepreneurs in Pakistan

How to improve the bargaining power of the business women of Pakistan?

Microfinance During and After Armed Conflict: Lessons from Angola, Cambodia, Mozambique and Rwanda

Examining environmental conditions, coping mechanisms and microfinance demand after conflict

Disaster Management for Microfinance Institutions in Mozambique: Reflecting on Lessons Learnt for Future Directions

What disaster management tools are most appropriate for microfinance institutions in Mozambique?

Microfinance as an Instrument of the Austrian Development Co-operation

Evaluating microfinance policies and programs of the Austrian Development Cooperation