All Publications

Showing 201 - 210 of 251

Terms of Reference of Poverty Outreach and Impact Assessment in Mozambique

Carrying out a poverty assessment: An outline

Notes from the Field: Mozambique

How rapidly is Mozambique's microfinance sector growing?

Credit Makes Good Business Sense for Poor Women

Is investing in poor women an effective strategy against poverty?

Challenges and Prospects - Microfinance in Pakistan

Microfinance in Pakistan: The present and the future

Credit Information Bureau (CIB)

Details on Credit Information Bureau in Pakistan

Innovations - Microleasing

Institutional, legislative, product and delivery innovations in microfinance in Pakistan

Intercooperation's Contribution to Micro and Small Enterprise Development

Examining products that Intercooperation has to offer to the medium and small enterprise sector

M-CRIL's Microfinance Rating - Risk Assessment - Urban Poverty Alleviation Program (UPAP) of NRSP

How does Pakistan's urban poverty alleviation program fare in M-CRIL's rating?
Case Study

Pakistan: Scaling Up Rural Support Programs

Pakistan's rural support program Features, impact, expansion and lessons learnt
Case Study

The Financial Needs & Risks of the Microentrepreneur in Maputo, Mozambique

Understanding credit demand in urban informal markets