All Publications

Showing 191 - 200 of 251
Case Study

Small Farmers in Mozambique Access Credit and Markets by Forming Associations with Assistance from CLUSA

A successful agricultural microfinance intervention in Mozambique

Microfinance Role in Post Conflict and Crisis Situations

Microcredit and group formation in conflict-affected areas for financial and social empowerment

Can Private Sector Commercial Banks Play a Significant Role in Microfinance

Challenges and lessons learnt to catalyze the growth of commercial MFIs

Commercial Microfinance in South Asia: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

How can South Asian countries learn about the benefits of the commercialization of microfinance?
Case Study

Factors of Success: A Comparative Study of Kashf Foundation and Grameen Bank

What are the key features that can make microfinance a success?

Pakistan Microfinance Country Profile

Microfinance in Pakistan: How has regulation played a facilitating role?
Case Study

Serving the Poorest of the Poor: The Poverty Impact of the Khushhali Bank's Microfinance Lending in Pakistan

Can a 'profit-focused' bank reach the poorest of the poor?
Guide / Toolkit

Supporting Women's ICT-Based Enterprises: A Handbook for Agencies in Development

Manual to help promote, initiate and improve women's ICT-based micro and small enterprise

Characteristics of the Microfinance Sector & of the Three Institutions Involved in the Impact Assessment

How is the microfinance sector developing in Mozambique?
Case Study

Microfinance-led Strategies to Eliminate Bonded Labor

Highlighting design issues for appropriate financial services to the poor