All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 30

Factors Affecting Repayment Rates in Group-Based Lending: Findings From Bangladesh and Madagascar

What are factors that managers of microfinance should consider when initiating group formation?

The Demand for Financial Services by the Rural Poor

Examining the importance of food security in demand for financial services by the poor

Progress, Constraints and Limitations of Financial Sector Reforms in the Least Developed Countries

Reforms for financial systems development in Sub Saharan Africa and Asia

CGAP's Pilot Microfinance Capacity-building Initiative in Africa: What Have We Learned?

Analyzing the rationale, objectives, costs and results of the Pilot Initiative

Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation

Does the formal sector have lessons to learn from the informal sector?

UNDP Microfinance Assessment Report: Madagascar

Are moneylenders useful in providing financial services to micro-entrepreneurs?
Case Study

The Private Sector and Development: Five Case Studies (Vol.1)

Has IFC's investments made a contribution to economic growth in its host countries?

Rural Financial Policies for Food Security of the Poor: Methodologies for a Multi-country Research Project

Identifying policies and institutional arrangements for access to savings and credit systems

Determinants of Credit Rationing: A Study of Informal Lenders and Formal Credit Groups in Madagascar

Examining the advantages of community-based lending groups over distant formal bank agents