All Publications

Showing 61 - 70 of 101

Commercial Microfinance in South Asia: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

How can South Asian countries learn about the benefits of the commercialization of microfinance?

Lessons Learned from Implementing Microfinance in a Post-Tsunami Environment (Sri Lanka)

Post-tsunami, what happened to microfinance provision and MFIs in the affected areas?

Mahinda Chintana: Vision for a New Sri Lanka – A Ten Year Horizon Development Framework 2006-2016

Developing the microfinance sector in Sri Lanka

Micro-Insurance: A Safety Net in Risky Waters

Demand assessment of microinsurance products in Sri Lanka

Microfinance Institutions & Interest Rate-Bank Rakyat Indonesia Shows the Way

Why are interest rate ceilings bad for the poorest of the population?

Microfinance: A View from the Fund

Potential role of International Monetary Fund in microfinance
Case Study

Profitability of Microfinance in Commercial Banks: Case Studies of CREDIFE and Hatton National Bank

Are commercial banks attracted by the profit potential of microfinance?

USAID Tsunami Reconstruction Update Oct 2005

Information on the progress of post-tsunami reconstruction initiatives by USAID

Microfinance as an Instrument for Small Enterprise Development: Opportunities and Constraints

Analyzing the impact of microfinance on small enterprises performance

Remittances, Microfinance and Technology

Harnessing the development impact of migrant remittances through improved technology