All Publications

Showing 41 - 50 of 101

Banking on the Future: An Interview with Chandula Abeywickrema from Hatton National Bank in Sri Lanka

A discussion with Hatton National Bank's Deputy General Manager on targeted savings products.

Capacity Building for Microfinance in Post-Tsunami Reconstruction

Maintaining effectiveness of MFIs in times of disaster

Microfinance in Sri Lanka: A Household Level Analysis of Outreach and Impact on Poverty

Examines the outreach of microfinance and the impact on poverty and welfare of households

Reaching Rural Areas with Financial Services: Lessons from Financial Cooperatives in Brazil, Burkina Faso, Kenya, and Sri Lanka

Insights from successful financial cooperative networks

Microfinance in South Asia: Toward Financial Inclusion for the Poor

Analyzing the growth of microfinance in South Asia

Savings for Risk Mitigation and Crisis Recovery

Promoting savings products to help the poor cope with crises

Cash Grants and Microfinance in Livelihood Recovery: Experiences from Tsunami-Affected Areas of Sri Lanka

Recommending best practices for microenterprise recovery programs

Robust Microfinance Sectors Post-conflict: West Africa

Lessons learned in developing microfinance in conflict-affected regions
Case Study

ALMAO and YASIRU, Sri Lanka

Lessons learnt in providing microinsurance schemes targeting the rural poor

Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review (CLEAR): Sri Lanka

Analysis of Sri Lanka's microfinance sector and recommendations for donor action