All Publications

Showing 241 - 250 of 333

Kenya: Microfinance Act, 2006

This Act regulates the provision of microfinance in Kenya

Reaching Rural Areas with Financial Services: Lessons from Financial Cooperatives in Brazil, Burkina Faso, Kenya, and Sri Lanka

Insights from successful financial cooperative networks
Case Study

The Unfulfilled Promise of Microfinance in Kenya: The KDA Experience

Assessing costs and benefits of a microfinance initiative

The Enabling Environment for Mobile Banking in Africa

How can adequate regulation aid the progress of mobile banking in Africa?

Microfinance Institution Network Models

Identifying common traits among various microfinance network models

A Technical Guide to Increasing Citizen Participation: How Credit Unions Strengthen Democracy

How do credit unions promote democratic principles?
Case Study

Income Generating Activities for People Living with HIV and AIDS, Mashuru, Kenya

This report highlights income generating activities in Kenya

Microfinance and Female Empowerment

Empowering women through the adoption of high productivity informal activities